Crowdfunding Campaign Update 7/23/19

Crowdfunding Campaign Update 7/23/19
Hi All!
We are just wrapping up the remaining past preorders (the last few sets of Flower Minis), and we have begun molding crowdfunding campaign dice!
We're behind our initial timeline for setup and getting everything rolling, so we really appreciate everyone's patience and understanding.  There's been a lot going on behind the scenes to get our production speed up to where we need it to be in order to hit our fulfillment goals and it's been tough.  
Despite better equipment and more help, a lot of the things we thought would speed things up, haven't increased production expontentially like we need it to.  We've been experimenting with some new finishing techniques that we hope will not only deliver a better product, but also help us to get them out to you faster.  
We're striving to come up with the best solutions to deliver your dice as quickly as possible. We will keep everyone updated on our progress. Thanks for your patience! :)